• On the
tab, iSCSI users can change the port number.
The settings on this tab affect system performance during mirror
resynchronization and replication. The defaults should be optimal for most
configurations. You should only need to change the settings for special
situations, such as if your mirror is remotely located.
During mirror resynchron zation: Use [2 outstand ng commands of [64] KB
The number of commands being processed at one time and the I/O size. This
must be a multiple of the sector size.
i ] i
Use a maximum transport window size of [ 300] packets
- Maximum transport
window size.
Timeout replication in [60] seconds
– indicates when timeout occurs.
Enable Microscan
- Microscan analyzes each replication block on-the-fly during
replication and transmits only the changed sectors in the block. This is
beneficial if the network transport speed is slow and the client makes small
random updates to the disk.
Note: replication is not supported under ASC 4.0 Express
Acer Altos® NAS 700 Solution Guide