45 Chapter 2
PC Health Status
This section indicates the hardware information of the system including the CPU temperature, Ambient
Temperature, CPU FAN, and System FAN speed.
The following table describes the parameters found in this menu.
Parameter Description
Shutdown Temperature This category disables or enables
system shutdown temperature.
Vcore Detect system’s voltage status automatically
CPU Temperature Detect CPU Temperature automatically
Detect CPU/SYSTEM Fan Speed status automatically
CPU Smart FAN Control This item display the system
Smart Fan Function status. It is
always enabled by system.
Shutdown Temperature [Disabled]
CPU Vcore 1.45V
+3.3V 3.29V
+5V 5.05V
+12V 12.03V
+5USB 5.16V
Voltage Battery 2.92V
Current CPU Temperature 42
/ 107
Current SYSTEM Temperature 40
CPU FAN Speed 1622 RPM
System FAN Speed 0 RPM
Menu Level
F5:Previous Values F7:Optimized Defaults
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PC Health Status
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