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In-building Coverage Solution
800 ESMR, 850 Cellular, 1900 PCS
ICS – ADC's Digital Advantage for Improving Wireless Capacity
and Coverage
The InterReach In-building Coverage Solution (ICS) is used to extend wireless coverage to specific
areas within a building, multiple buildings, or throughout a campus environment. This digital
distributed antenna system (D-DAS) solution features unique, patented technology that
distributes wireless coverage digitally over optical fiber, enabling InterReach ICS to deliver
superior signal quality, flexibility, and overall performance. Its digitized optical RF transport also
future-proofs in-building wireless infrastructure for higher data rate services. The InterReach
product family offers service providers a flexible, scalable, all-digital platform to improve
customer retention and offer enhanced services to meet increasing subscriber demands.
• Highlyscalablesolutionfeatureselements
that can be daisy-chained to accommodate
large installations; elements also can be
added when coverage extension
is required.
• Configure-to-order,plug-intransceiver
design lowers initial installation costs
and allows pay-as-you-grow approach
to indoor coverage.
• Accommodatesbothsingle-modeand
multi-mode fiber for maximum utilization
of existing fiber and flexibility in fiber
• Digitaltransportmaintainssuperiorsignal
quality even over long distance fiber runs.
• Flexibledesignsupportstechnologiessuch
as free space optics (FSO), wave division
multiplexing (WDM), etc.
• Highdynamicrangeincreasescapability
for data throughput, enabling higher
data rate broadband services.
• Universalairinterfaceistransparentto
modulation technology.