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Spec Sheet
Large Cabinet for FTTN Broadband Service Delivery
The NCX-1000 is a passive fiber-to-the node (FTTN) service delivery cabinet that is easily placed in
the feeder or distribution plant to support any re-sectionalizing or broadband overbuild application.
It is typically installed with an adjunct DSLAM cabinet or remote terminal that houses a broadband
DSLAM. The compact cabinet is designed for FTTN applications where re-sectionalizing the
network requires either a new cross connect interface with a 1:2 ratio of feeder to distribution
pairs or for 1:1 ratios where ADC’s patented Distribution Intercept (DI) service delivery solution is
used. The NCX-1000 family of cabinets supports up to 900 feeder circuits and 1800 distribution
circuits with 432 DSLAM input and output ports in a non-protected FDI configuration. Options for
non-protected and protected DSLAM circuits utilizing ComProtect
high performance protection
are available.
ADC’s OmniReach
FTTX Solutions are the industry’s first infrastructure solutions designed from
the ground up to meet the unique requirements of FTTX networks. Designed for operational
efficiency and scalability, OmniReach solutions simplify FTTX network installation, maintenance and
management from the central office/headend to the outside plant.
Drop down panels offer easy access to OSP cable stubs for splicing into DSLAMs and network•
FDI (1:2) and patented Distribution Intercept (DI) (1:1) configurations available•
Works with existing F1/F2 cross box or can replace it•
Able to groom all existing xDSL shelves into a single format and provide cross-connect capability •
in addition to pair-bonding
Supports in-cabinet circuit protection•
Meets GR-487 requirements•