LTPE-UM-3159-02 A-1
Relays 6 form C relays: critical visual, critical audible, major visual, major
audible, minor visual, minor audible.
Maximum switching power 30 W
Maximum switching current 1 A
Surge voltage withstand 1500 V
Shelf alarms Power input failure, programmable number of HDSL loops in the shelf
are down, loss of external clock (EMU-830 List 6A only)
LEDs Critical, Major, Minor alarm
Consumption 7.5 W
Operating Temperature 0 °C to +50 °C
Humidity Up to 95% non condensing
Safety EN 60950
EMC/EMI EN300 386-2
The EMU-830 is compatible with HDSL, G.SHDLS cards, desktop units, doublers (regenerators), and exchange
office management shelves in the WorldDSL product line. Universal Termination Units (UTUs) can be configured as
LTUs or NTUs. WD92xGx can be configured as STU-Cs or STU-Rs. Typically the LTU/STU-C DSL cards are
installed in the management shelf and the NTU/STU-R DSL cards are deployed at the remote site. You can,
however, use either an LTU/STU-C or NTU/STU-R DSL card in a shelf as the EMU-830 allows terminal access to
both types of DSL cards when installed in a shelf. Alarm management, however, is only performed on LTU/STU-C
cards and their attached circuit elements.
The following is an abbreviated list of EMU-compatible WorldDSL products.
• Shelves: All EMS-83x List 2
• HDSL Cards: All LTU-80x List x, UTU-80x Lx
• Universal Termination Units: All UTU-9xx
• Integrated Desktop Units: All ETU-8xx and ETU-9xx
• Doublers (regenerators): All EDU-840 List x
• G.SHDSL Cards: WD92xGx line cards