3.17 ADAM-4056SO 12-ch. Source Type Isolated Digital Output
Module ………….…………………………………………..……... 3-63
3.18 ADAM-4060/4068 Relay Output Module ................…........... 3-65
ADAM-4069 8-channel Relay Output Module ………………. 3-69
3.20 ADAM-4080/4080D Counter/Frequency Input Modules ….. 3-72
Chapter 4 Command Set ..................................................…......... 4-1
4.1 Introduction.................................................................….......... 4-2
4.2 Syntax .........................................................................….......... 4-2
4.3 I/O Module Commands Search Table ......................….......... 4-4
Chapter 5 Analog Input Module Command Set ........….............. 5-1
5.1 Analog Input Command Set ................................……............ 5-2
5.2 Analog Input Data Logger Command Set ............….…......... 5-34
5.3 Digital I/O, Alarm and Event Command Set ......………......... 5-47
5.4 Excitation Voltage Output Command Set ............…….......... 5-61
Chapter 6 AO commands..................................................…......... 6-1
6.1 Analog Output Module Command for ADAM-4021…............ 6-2
6.2 Analog Output Module Command for ADAM-4024...…......... 6-19
Chapter 7 Digital IO, Relay & Counter commands.........…......... 7-1
7.1 Configuration, Counter Input and Display Command Set ... 7-2
7.2 Counter/Frequency Module Command.................................. 7-28
7.2.1 Configuration, Counter Input and Display Command Set…... 7-28
7.2.2 Counter Setup Command Set................................................... 7-40
7.2.3 Digital Filter and Programmable Threshold Command Set….7-49
7.2.4 Digital Output and Alarm Command Set.................................. 7-60