Alcatel-Lucent End-to-End IMS Solution 5
platform operations, administration and maintenance
(OA&M), HSS, CCF, Internal Lawful Intercept Delivery
Function (ILIDF) and Telephony Application Server
functions, as an integrated package on a single shelf.
User-centric approach
Increasingly, today’s users want personalized text, data,
voice and video anywhere, anytime, on any device. The
Alcatel-Lucent user-centric approach allows you to offer
the services you customers are looking for — adding value
to the end customer and new revenue opportunities for
you. By focusing on the overall user experience, rather
than the specific technology or individual products to be
offered, the Alcatel-Lucent End-to-End IMS Solution can
be phased in to ensure the “right fit” for interpersonal
communications, user-experience continuity across
devices and networks, instant access anywhere and
self-service personalization.
Phased approach
Alcatel-Lucent offers a three-step approach to implement-
ing Internet communications. You can start with any step
now, then phase in the others if and when it makes sense
for your business.
The three-step approach shown in Figure 1 lets you
range of advanced Internet communications services:
legacy and multimedia communications services on
IP-based offerings. And, let them personalize these
services themselves using a web front end/interface.
across networks and devices, multimedia communications
with multiple communities and instant personalization.
is developing a Web 2.0 front end for the IMS Ap-
plication Server Suite to give you the strength of IMS
standards with Web technologies, and offer personalized
and blended services across multiple devices.