5.8 GHz DIGITAL Wireless Audio Transmitter /
Amplifier, Model 1550
Q: What is the difference between the Amphony 5.8 GHz Digital Wireless Audio Transmitter /
Amplifier and current 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz analog audio transmitters ?
A: There are 3 major differences:
1) Digital transmission: The first difference is how the audio signal travels from the transmitter to
the receiver. Almost all of the current wireless systems on the market use a method called FM
(Frequency modulation) which is very similar to the operation of your FM radio. The major drawback
ist that this type of modulation is ‘analog’ which is the reason for the poor performance of analog
If you listen carefully to a CD over an analog wireless audio transmitter / amplifier, you will notice
significant noise/static, low signal dynamics and low channel separation. Also, the signal quality will
vary when you move around the room between the transmitter and receiver (the noise will increase
locally and also the further the receiver is moved away from the transmitter).
The transmitter uses something which is called ‚digital' modulation. The same way music is
recorded on a CD using 1's and 0's, it is transmitted as 1's and 0's to the headphones. The result of
this technology is that there is no audio quality degradation during transmission, i.e. you will hear
the exact same audio quality as you would if the equipment was connected by a cord.
Because of this digital technology, our transmitter / amplifier is very suitable for high-quality audio,
such as music coming from a CD, DVD, digital satellite receiver etc.
2) Transmitter frequency: The second difference is the higher transmit frequency of 5.8 GHz. This
frequency avoids possible interference from other appliances working either in the 900 MHz or
2.4 GHz range, such as cordless telephones or wireless LANs.
3) Built-in digital amplifier: The receiver features a built-in audio amplifier and can be connected
directly to any regular loudspeakers without an additional amplifier. This amplifier is a digital
amplifier which reduces the amount of heat which is generated due to the high efficiency of the
amplifier. Therefore the size and weight of the amplifier is greatly reduced compared to conventional
analog audio amplifiers. By using a feedback mechanism, the harmonic distortion performance of
the amplifier equals or exceeds the performance of conventional analog audio amplifiers.
Q: Can the amplifier connect to loudspeakers ?
A: Yes, the amplifiers each provide a speaker output and connect directly to regular loudspeakers.
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