Amstrad DDI-1 Computer Drive User Manual

Follow the instructions on the screen, and the contents of your source disc will be
copied onto your destination disc 8 tracks at a time, until the last track (39) is
completed. Like DISCCOPY, COPYDISC incorporates automatic formatting if
required. COPYDISC can be used to produce a 'working copy' of the CP/M system
disc itself.
Checking Discs
The CP/M system disc provides facilities for comparing one disc against another to
check for error free data copying.
If you have connected only one disc drive to the computer, select CP/M then type in:
Follow the instructions on the screen, and the destination disc will be checked against
the source disc. If the computer detects a difference between the discs, it will display
the message:
Failed to verify destination disc correctly:
track x sector y
Otherwise, the computer will continue to check through the discs, 8 tracks at a time,
until checking is completed. If an error was detected, a final WARNING: will be
displayed on the screen, before asking whether you wish to check another disc.
If you are operating 2 disc drives, disc checking may be carried out with more speed
and ease, using the CHKDISC facility. This operates in a similar manner to DISCCHK
previously described. The advantage of CHKDISC however, is that you do not have to
repeatedly insert and remove the source and destination discs. To use CHKDISC,
select CP/M then type in:
and follow the instructions on the screen.
Note that functions performed using the CP/M system disc can be aborted by holding
down [CTRL] and pressing the C key. Doing so will return you to CP/M console
As an example, select CP/M and type in:
When the computer invites you to insert a disc, press [CTRL]C. The function will
then be aborted.
Further information on DISCCOPY, COPYDISC, DISCCHK and CHKDISC together
with FORMAT and other CP/M commands will be found later in this manual under the
section concerning CP/M.
AMSTRAD Disc Drive & Interface DDI-1 Manual Foundation 4.10