Apple 5260 Series Personal Computer User Manual

3 In the list of drives, click the disk you want to initialize.
4Click Initialize to initialize the hard disk.
5Click Quit when you see a message reporting that initialization was successful.
If a message reports that initialization failed, try again. If initialization
fails a second time, take your computer to your Apple-authorized service
provider for repair. Consult the service and support information that came
with your computer for information about the service options available for
your computer.
Repairing a damaged disk
Disks can become damaged by repeated use and handling.
When do you need to repair a disk?
If you see a message reporting that a disk is damaged or unreadable, you may
need to repair the disk.
Tr y th ese suggestions first
If you can’t start up from a hard disk or you don’t see the hard disk icon on the
desktop, try the following:
Chapter 6
Click the drive you
want to initialize...
...then click Initialize.