Avaya P550R Switch User Manual

Cajun P550/P880/P882 Switch User Guide
Initialize and Setup of the P550/P880/P882 Switch
Changing the Console Serial Port Settings
You can change the communications settings for the serial port
connection on the front panel of the layer 3 supervisor module from
the web agent. The switch’s console port is initially configured as a
TTY Console to support a TTY connection. The layer 2 and layer 3
supervisor modules allow you to reconfigure the console serial port
as a PPP Console to support a dial-in PPP connection using a
* Note: If you reconfigure the serial port as a PPP console, you
can only change the switch’s baud rate and flow control
parameters. The flow control parameters are limited to
None or Xon/Xoff.
Configuring the Serial Console Port as a TTY Console
You can configure the serial port as a TTY console using either the
web agent or the CLI.
Configuring the
Serial Console
Port as a TTY
Console Using
the Web Agent
To configure the console serial port as a TTY Console using the web
1. Select Console Configuration from the System>
Configuration group on the Web Agent. The Console
Configuration window opens (Figure2-12).