
Monarch®, Sierra Sport2, and 9460 are trademarks of Paxar Americas, Inc.
Paxar® is a trademark of Paxar Corporation.
Avery Dennison® is a trademark of Avery Dennison Corporation.
TC9460MG Rev AD 12/07 ©2007 Paxar Americas, Inc. a subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corp.
All Rights Reserved.
Use this guide to change your commands for the Monarch® Sierra Sport2 9460 NP
printer to the Monarch® Sierra Sport2™ 9460™SNP printer. The print server is different
in the NP and SNP printers, so commands may vary slightly.
This guide lists the NP printer default settings, serial communication settings, and
console commands with their SNP equivalents (if applicable).
Information in this document supercedes information in previous versions. Check our Web
site (www.paxar.com) for the latest documentation and release information.
Printer Defaults
The following table lists the radio frequency (RF) defaults for the NP and the SNP
Function Default
SSID search mode
Security disabled
IP Addressing DHCP
Application Connectivity Raw data on Port 9100
Keep Alive Time 1 minute
Connection Timeout 0 minutes
Power save mode on Radio Card PSP Level 3
Console password access
Serial Communications Defaults
The following table lists the direct serial communications defaults for the NP and the SNP
Function Default
Baud Rate 19200
Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control RTS/CTS