Network Scanning
d Press a or b to choose 1sided, 2sided (L)edge or 2sided (S)edge.
Press OK.
If you want to scan a document using the duplex scanning feature, you need to put the document in the
ADF and then choose 2sided (L)edge or 2sided (S)edge depending on your document layout.
e Press a or b to choose the destination PC you want to use for E-mailing your document.
Press OK.
If the LCD prompts you to enter a PIN number, enter the 4-digit PIN number for the destination PC on
the control panel.
Press OK.
f Press Mono Start or Color Start.
The machine starts the scanning process.
• Scan type depends on the settings on the Device Button tab, Mono Start or Color Start do not change
the settings.
• If you want the scanned data in color, choose color in scan type on the Device Button tab of the
ControlCenter3 configuration. If you want the scanned data in black and white, choose black and white in
scan type on the Device Button tab of the ControlCenter3 configuration. (See SCAN on page 65.)
Scan to E-mail (E-mail Server) (For MFC-9840CDW) 4
When you choose Scan to E-mail (E-mail Server) you can scan a black and white or color document and send
it directly to an E-mail address from the machine. You can choose PDF or TIFF for Black and White and PDF
or JPEG for color.
Scan to E-mail (E-mail Server) requires SMTP/POP3 mail server support. (See the Network User’s Guide
on the CD-ROM.)
a Put the document face up in the ADF, or face down on the scanner glass.
b Press (Scan).
c Press a or b to choose Scan to E-mail. Press OK.
d Press a or b to choose 1sided, 2sided (L)edge or 2sided (S)edge.
Press OK.
If you want to scan a document using the duplex scanning feature, you need to put the document in the
ADF and then choose 2sided (L)edge or 2sided (S)edge depending on your document layout.
e Press a or b to choose your E-mail Server.
Press OK.