RSA SecurID Ready Implementation Guide
Last Modified: September 30, 2005
Partner Information
Product Information
Partner Name
Web Site www.cisco.com
Product Name
Cisco PIX Security Appliance
Version & Platform
PIX IOS 7.0(2)
Product Description
The market-leading Cisco PIX Security Appliance Series delivers robust
user and application policy enforcement, mutlivector attack protection, and
secure connectivity services in cost-effective, easy-to-deploy solutions.
These purpose-built appliances provide multiple integrated security and
networking services.
Ranging from compact, plug-and-play desktop appliances for small and
home offices to modular gigabit appliances with superior investment
protection for enterprise and service-provider environments, Cisco PIX
Security Appliances provide comprehensive security, performance, and
reliability for network environments of all sizes.
Product Category
Perimeter Defense (Firewalls, VPNs & Intrusion Detection)