Compaq ECQD2KCTE Laptop User Manual

4–58 Alpha Architecture Handbook
MSKxL and MSKxH set selected bytes of register Ra to zero, storing the result in register Rc.
Register Rbv<2:0> selects the starting position of the field of zero bytes, and the function
code selects the maximum width: 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes. The instructions generate a byte, word,
longword, or quadword field of zeros that can spread across two registers at an arbitrary byte
The comments in the examples below assume that the effective address (ea) of X(R11) is such
that (ea mod 8) = 5, the value of the aligned quadword containing X(R11) is CBAx xxxx, the
value of the aligned quadword containing X+7(R11) is yyyH GFED, the value to be stored
from R5 is HGFE DCBA, and the datum is little-endian. Slight modifications similar to those
in Section 4.6.2 apply to big-endian data.
The examples below are the most general case; if more information is known about the value
or intended alignment of X, shorter sequences can be used.
The intended sequence for storing an unaligned quadword R5 at address X(R11) is:
LDA R6, X(R11) ; R6<2:0> = (X mod 8) = 5
LDQ_U R2, X+7(R11) ; Ignores va<2:0>, R2 = yyyH GFED
LDQ_U R1, X(R11) ; Ignores va<2:0>, R1 = CBAx xxxx
INSQH R5, R6, R4 ; R4 = 000H GFED
INSQL R5, R6, R3 ; R3 = CBA0 0000
MSKQH R2, R6, R2 ; R2 = yyy0 0000
MSKQL R1, R6, R1 ; R1 = 000x xxxx
OR R2, R4, R2 ; R2 = yyyH GFED
OR R1, R3, R1 ; R1 = CBAx xxxx
STQ_U R2, X+7(R11) ; Must store high then low for
STQ_U R1, X(R11) ; degenerate case of aligned QW
The intended sequence for storing an unaligned longword R5 at X is:
LDA R6, X(R11) ; R6<2:0> = (X mod 8) = 5
LDQ_U R2, X+3(R11) ; Ignores va<2:0>, R2 = yyyy yyyD
LDQ_U R1, X(R11) ; Ignores va<2:0>, R1 = CBAx xxxx
INSLH R5, R6, R4 ; R4 = 0000 000D
INSLL R5, R6, R3 ; R3 = CBA0 0000
MSKLH R2, R6, R2 ; R2 = yyyy yyy0
MSKLL R1, R6, R1 ; R1 = 000x xxxx
OR R2, R4, R2 ; R2 = yyyy yyyD
OR R1, R3, R1 ; R1 = CBAx xxxx
STQ_U R2, X+3(R11) ; Must store high then low for
STQ_U R1, X(R11) ; degenerate case of aligned