Compaq ECQD2KCTE Laptop User Manual

Waivers and Implementation-Dependent Functionality E–17
Setting any of the "NOT" bits causes the counters to not count when the processor is running in
the specified mode. Under OpenVMS Alpha, "NOT_KERNEL" also stops the count in execu-
tive and supervisor mode, except as noted below:
DIGITAL UNIX counts user mode by using the executive counter; that is, the count for
executive mode is returned as the user mode count.
Counter 1 event selection. PCSEL1 described in Table E–13.
Counter 2 event selection. PCSEL2 described in Table E–14.
Table E–9: 21164/21164PC Select Special Options for OpenVMS Alpha and
Bits Meaning
63:31 MBZ
30 Stop count in user mode
29:10 MBZ
9 Stop count in PALmode
8 Stop count in kernel mode
7:1 MBZ
0 Monitor selected processes (when clear monitor all processes)
NOT_BITS Counters Operate Under These Modes When Bits Set:
0 0 0 K E S U P
0 0 1 K E S U
0 1 0 K E S P
0 1 1 K E S
1 0 0 U P
1 0 1 U
1 1 0 P
1 1 1 E S (here "NOT_KERNEL" stops kernel counter only)
Table E–8: 21164PC Select Desired Events for OpenVMS Alpha and DIGITAL
UNIX (Continued)
Bits Name Meaning