Compaq ECQD2KCTE Laptop User Manual

Aborts, forcing, 6–6
ACCESS(x,y) operator
, 3–7
Add instructions
add longword
, 4–25
add quadword, 4–27
add scaled longword
, 4–26
add scaled quadword
, 4–28
See also Floating-point operate
ADDF instruction
, 4–110
ADDG instruction
, 4–110
ADDL instruction
, 4–25
ADDQ instruction
, 4–27
Address space match (ASM)
virtual cache coherency
, 5–4
Address space number (ASN) register
virtual cache coherency
, 5–4
ADDS instruction
, 4–111
ADDT instruction
, 4–111
AFTER, defined for memory access
, 5–12
Aligned byte/word memory accesses
, A–9
ALIGNED data objects
, 1–8
atomic byte
, 5–3
atomic longword
, 5–2
atomic quadword
, 5–2
D_floating, 2–6
data considerations
, A–4
double-width data paths
, A–1
F_floating, 2–4
, 2–5
, A–2
longword, 2–2
longword integer
, 2–12
memory accesses
, A–9
quadword, 2–3
quadword integer
, 2–12
, 2–8
T_floating, 2–9
, 2–10
Alpha architecture
, 2–1
overview, 1–1
porting operating systems to
, 1–1
programming implications
, 5–1
registers, 3–1
, 1–7
See also Conventions
Alpha privileged architecture library. See PALcode
AMASK (Architecture mask) instruction
, 4–133
AMASK bit assignments
, D–3
AND instruction
, 4–42
AND operator
, 3–7
Architecture extensions,AMASK with
, 4–133
ARITH_RIGHT_SHIFT(x,y) operator
, 3–7
Arithmetic instructions
, 4–24
See also specific arithmetic instructions
Arithmetic left shift instruction
, 4–41
Arithmetic traps
denormal operand exception disabling
, 4–81
denormal operand exception enabled for
, B–5
denormal operand status of, B–5
, 4–78
division by zero
, 4–77, 4–81
division by zero, disabling, 4–81
division by zero, enabling
, B–6
division by zero, status of
, B–5
dynamic rounding mode, 4–80
, B–5
inexact result
, 4–78, 4–81
inexact result, disabling, 4–80
inexact result, enabling
, B–6
inexact result, status of
, B–5
integer overflow, 4–78, 4–81
integer overflow, disabling
, B–5
integer overflow, enabling
, B–5
invalid operation, 4–76, 4–81
invalid operation, disabling
, 4–81
invalid operation, enabling
, B–6
invalid operation, status of, B–5
, 4–77, 4–81
overflow, disabling
, 4–81
overflow, enabling, B–6
overflow, status of
, B–5