Unpacking Your Printer
1. Select a location for your printer.
l Leave enough room to open the printer tray, covers, doors, and options. It is also important to allow enough space around the printer for proper
l Provide the proper environment:
¡ A firm, level surface
¡ Away from the direct airflow of air conditioners, heaters, or ventilators
¡ Away from sunlight, extreme humidity, or wide fluctuations in temperature
¡ A clean, dry, and dust-free location
2. In addition to the Dell Laser Printer 1100, ensure that you have the following items in the box. If there is a missing item, contact Dell:
a. The appearance of the power cord may differ according to your country's specifications.
b. The Drivers and UtilitiesCDcontainstheDellprinterdriver,Dell™TonerManagementSystem,andanHTMLUser'sGuide.
3. Save the carton and packing material in case the printer needs to be repacked.
4. Remove the packing tape from the printer.
About Your Printer
These are the main components of your printer. The following illustrations show the standard Dell Laser Printer 1100:
Front View