DSI SS7MD Programmer’s Manual Issue 3
6.7.4 API_MSG_CNF_IND – Configuration Completion Status Indication
Message issued by the s7_mgt protocol configuration utility on completion of initial configuration sequence.
This message is issued by the s7_mgt protocol configuration utility on completion of the initial configuration
sequence and indicates either success (status=0) or an error condition that occurred during configuration.
The message is only issued when s7_mgt is run with the –i command line option specifying the module ID of
the Notification Module to which the message should be sent. For example:
s7_mgt –i0x2d
Note: It is recommended that the user invoke this option, then wait for an API_MSG_CNF_IND
message to ensure that the application does not attempt to send messages until initial
configuration is complete.
The API_MSG_CNF_IND message header uses the following parameter:
• completion_status
The result of initial configuration. The following table shows the possible values and their meanings.
Field Name Meaning
type API_MSG_CNF_IND (0x0f09)
id 0
src 0xcf
dst Notification module (see below)
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status completion_status (see below)
err_info Reserved for future use.
len 0
Value Meaning
0 Success
1 Error opening the config.txt protocol configuration file
2 Syntax or value error in the config.txt protocol configuration file
3 Error during configuration (invalid parameters)
4 Error during configuration (no response)