7 Configuration Command Reference
• <board_id>
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the number of boards supported.
• <liu_id>
The identifier of the T1/E1/J1 Line Interface Unit (LIU) in the range from 0 to one less than the number
of LIUs.
• <liu_type>
The physical interface type. The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
Note: The option chosen by the user must be appropriate to the actual hardware fitted, otherwise an
error status is returned.
• <line_code>
The line coding technique. The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
• <frame_format>
The frame format. The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
• <crc_mode>
The CRC mode. The following table shows the permitted values and their meanings.
Value Description
Disabled (used to deactivate an LIU). In this mode the LIU does not produce an
output signal.
3 E1 120 ohm balanced interface
4 T1 (including J1)
5 E1 120 ohm balanced interface (preferred setting for E1 operation)
6 E1 high-impedance (for monitoring applications)
7 T1 (including J1) high-impedance (for monitoring applications)
Value Description
1 HDB3 (E1 only)
4 B8ZS (T1/J1)
Value Description
1 E1 double frame (E1 only)
2 E1 CRC4 multiframe (E1 only)
3 F4 4-frame multi-frame (T1 only)
4 D3/D4 (Yellow alarm = bit 2 in each channel (T1 only)
7 ESF (Yellow alarm in data link channel (T1 only)
8 F72/SLC96 (72-frame multi-frame) (T1 only)
9 J1 frame format (liu_type must be T1)
Value Description
1 CRC generation disabled
2 CRC4 enabled (frame_format must be set to 2)
4 CRC6 enabled (frame_format must be set to 7)