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50 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932–1591 USA
For sales or service call 1 800 800–2726 (ASCO) www.ascopower.com
ASCO POWER TECHNOLOGIES CANADA PO Box 1238, 17 Airport Road, Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3T 5T3
telephone 519 758–8450, fax 519 758–0876, for service call 1 888 234–2726 (ASCO) www.asco.ca
A TS Annunciator
Cat alo g 214A400, 214A401, 214A404
DANGER is u sed in this m anual to warn of high
voltages capable of causing shock, burns, or death .
of possible personal injury.
of possible equipment damage.
Master ATS Annunciator
Catalog 214A400, 214A404
Catalog 214A401
Slave ATS Annunciator
An experien ce d licen sed electrician must install the AT S
There are three types of ATS (Automatic Transfer
Switch) Annunciators. They are identified as follows:
Cata log 214A400 Master Unit
Cata log 214A404 Master Unit
used with a Network Supervisor
Catalog 214A401 Slave Unit
Each installation must have a master unit; each
master unit can support two slave units. Each unit can
annunciate four ATSs. Therefore a master and two
slave units can annunciate up to twelve ATSs. To
annunciate more ATSs, additional masters and slaves
can be added.
ASCO Cata log 214A400, 214A404, and 214A401
ATS Annunciators are designed to provide remote
visual status reporting and push button testing of ASCO
automatic transfer switches. Each ATS must have a
Group 1*, 5, 6, or 7 Microprocessor Controller with
A ccessory 72A Serial Communication Interface Option
installed .
*No te: Group 1 Controller must have version 8 or
lower software (dash number on microprocessor).
Nominal Input Voltage 16 V ac 50 or 60 Hz,........
or 12 or 24 V dc............
Volt-Ampere Burden ➀ 10 VA max @ 16 V ac.......
0.5 A max @ 24 V dc.......
Environmental Temperature Range ---20˚C. to +70˚C.
Transient Withstand per NEMA ICS 1---109........
Surge Withstand (SWC) IEEE Std 472---1974.......
ANSI C37.90A---1974......
Max total distance for Communication Line 4000 ft ➁
➀ (Master with 2 Slaves)
➁ For greater distances contact ASCO.
Table of Conte n t s
Iinstallation 1-2.............................
Setting Up the ATS Annunciator 3-5...........
Operation and ATS Testing 6................
Troubleshooting 7..........................