Using ADO DataSet
140 DataWindow .NET
2 Select the XSD file you want to use to access the data.
3 Select one DataTable that you will use as the data source for the
DataWindow object.
4 Complete the DataWindow wizard as needed for the presentation style you
are using.
When you have finished interacting with the wizard, you go to the
DataWindow painter. All the columns in the DataTable display in the
DataWindow object. You can manipulate the presentation characteristics
in the Design view.
Previewing the
You cannot retrieve rows into the DataWindow object in DataWindow
Designer, but you can import rows from an external file as described in “Using
External” on page 136.
Datatype mappings
Table 4-5 lists .NET datatypes and the DataWindow datatypes to which they
map when you use a DataTable as a data source.
Table 4-5: Datatype mappings from .NET to the DataWindow
.NET datatype DataWindow datatype
System.Boolean long (handled as a boolean at runtime)
System.Byte long
System.Char string(1)
System.DateTime datetime
System.Decimal decimal(0,0)
System.Double number
System.Guid not supported
System.Int16 long
System.Int32 long
System.Int64 decimal
System.SByte ulong
System.Single real
System.String string(40)
System.Timespan real
System.UInt16 ulong
System.UInt32 ulong
System.UInt64 decimal
System.Byte[ ] not supported