Modifying general DataWindow object properties
184 DataWindow .NET
Some changes you make (such as adding or removing columns) require
DataWindow Designer to modify the update capabilities of the DataWindow
For more information about controlling updates in a DataWindow object, see
Chapter 6, “Controlling Updates in DataWindow Objects.”
Changing the table
If you change the table referenced in the SELECT statement, DataWindow
Designer maintains the columns in the Design view (now from a different
table) only if they match the data types and order of the columns in the original
Modifying the retrieval
You can add, modify, or delete retrieval arguments when modifying your data
❖ To modify the retrieval arguments:
1 In the Select painter, select Design>Retrieval Arguments from the menu
The Specify Retrieval Arguments dialog box displays, listing the existing
2 Add, modify, or delete the arguments.
3 Click OK.
You return to the Select painter, or to the text window displaying the
SELECT statement if you are modifying the SQL syntactically.
4 Reference any new arguments in the
WHERE or HAVING clause of the
SELECT statement.
For more information about retrieval arguments, see Chapter 4, “Defining
DataWindow Objects.”
Modifying the result set
If the data source is External or Stored Procedure, you can modify the result set
❖ To modify a result set:
1 If the Column Specification view is not open, select View>Column
Specifications from the menu bar.
2 Review the specifications and make any necessary changes.