FARGO electronic 400 Printer User Manual

RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
DTC400 Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 2.6)
Logging In
When a User attempts to change any setting, they are asked for a User name and password.
(Note: The Guest Users can only view settings.)
Step Procedure
1 Enter the correct User name:
The default administrative User name is root.
The default non-administrative User name is guest.
Non-administrative Users can only view settings.
2 Enter the correct password:
The default password is an empty string. If the password has not been
changed, leave the field blank.
See Password page procedure for changing passwords.
3 Press Enter or click on the OK button.
4 If the name and password is not accepted, another login prompt will appear
on screen.
Repeat this procedure with the correct User name and password.