FortiSwitch-5003A and 5003 Fabric and Base Backplane Communications Guide
100 01-30000-85717-20081205
config FortiSwitch-5003A CLI reference
switch fabric-channel stp settings
Use this command to change MSTP spanning tree timers, specify an MSTP region name and use a
revision number to track changes to the MSTP configuration. All of these MSTP settings should be the
same on all of the devices in an MSTP region. These settings apply to all MSTP instances added to a
FortiSwitch-5003A board.
config switch fabric-channel stp settings
set forward-time <delay_time_int>
set hello-time <hello_time_int>
set max-age <age_time_int>
set max-hops <hops_int>
set name <name_str>
set revision <number_str>
This example shows how to set the name of an MSTP region to "MSTP_test", set the revision to
1 and change the max-hops value to 4.
config switch fabric-channel stp instance
set name "MSTP_test"
set revision 1
set max-hops 4
Related topics
• config switch fabric-channel interface
• config switch fabric-channel physical-port
• config switch fabric-channel stp instance
• config switch fabric-channel trunk
Variables Description Default
The MSTP forward delay time in seconds. The forward delay time is
the number of seconds that spanning tree spends in the listening and
learning state. The range is 4 to 30 seconds.
Enter the time between sending bridge protocol data units (BPDUs).
The range is 1 to 10 seconds.
The max age timer controls the maximum length of time in seconds
that passes before a device saves its configuration BPDU information.
The range is 6 to 40 seconds.
max-hops <hops_int> The maximum number of hops in a MSTP region. The range is 1 to 40.
The root bridge sends BPDUs with the hop count set to this maximum
value. When a device receives a BPDU, it decrements the remaining
hop count by one and includes this lower hop count in its BPDUs.
When a device receives a BPDU with a hop count of zero, the device
discards the BPDU.
name <name_str> Enter a region name for the spanning tree configuration. The name is
optional. All devices in the same MSTP region should have the same
name. The region name is added to BPDUs.
Enter a revision number of up to 4 digits. All devices in an MSTP region
must have the same revision number. Change the revision number
manually whenever you change the MSTP configuration.
You can use the revision number to keep track of changes in the MSTP
configuration and to help confirm that the MSTP configurations of all of
the devices in a region are in sync.