- 258 -
server-timeout: Sets the value, in seconds, of the timer used by the authenticator state machine on this
port to timeout the authentication server. The supp-timeout must be a value in the range 1 - 65535.
dot1x timeout {guest-vlan-period | quiet-period | reauth-period | server-timeout | supp-timeout |
tx-period} <seconds>
no dot1x timeout { guest-vlan-period | quiet-period | reauth-period | server-timeout | supp-timeout |
<seconds> - Value in the range 0 – 65535.
no - This command sets the value, in seconds, of the timer used by the authenticator state machine
on this port to the default values. Depending on the token used, the corresponding default values are
Default Setting
guest-vlan-period: 90 seconds
reauth-period: 3600 seconds
quiet-period: 60 seconds
tx-period: 30 seconds
supp-timeout: 30 seconds
server-timeout: 30 seconds
Command Mode
Interface Config dot1x guest vlan
This command configures the Guest VLAN capability on the interface. The command specifies an active
VLAN as an IEEE 802.1x guest VLAN.
dot1x guest- vlan <vlan-id>
no dot1x guest-vlan
no - This command disables the Guest VLAN capability on this interface.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config