- 297 -
Default Setting
Interval-seconds 30
Hold-value 4
Reinit-seconds 2
Command Mode
Global Config lldp tx-delay
This command is used to set the timing parameters for data transmission delay on ports enabled for
LLDP. The <delay-seconds> determines the number of seconds to wait between transmitting local data
LLDPDUs. The range is 1-8192 seconds.
lldp tx-delay <delay-seconds>
no lldp tx-delay
no - This command is used to return return the transmit delay to the default value.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config lldp med
The user can go to the CLI Interface Configuration Mode to set MED to enable, use the lldp med
Interface configuration command. Use the no lldp med to disable med function.
lldp med
no lldp med
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config