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no - This command removes the DHCP static entry from the DHCP Snooping database.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config ip dhcp snooping limit
This command controls the rate at which the DHCP Snooping messages come. The default rate is 15 pps
with a range from 0 to 300 pps. The default burst level is 1 second with a range of 1 to 15 seconds.
ip dhcp snooping limit {rate <pps> [burst interval <seconds>]}
no ip dhcp snooping limit
no - This command sets the rate at which the DHCP Snooping messages come, and the burst level,
to the defaults.
Default Setting
15 pps for rate limiting and 1 sec for burst interval
Command Mode
Interface Config ip dhcp snooping log-invalid
This command controls the logging DHCP messages filtration by the DHCP Snooping application.
ip dhcp snooping log-invalid
no ip dhcp snooping log-invalid
no - This command disables the logging DHCP messages filtration by the DHCP Snooping
Default Setting
Command Mode