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show ip source binding [{static/dhcp-snooping}] [interface <slot/port>] [vlan id]
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
MAC Address: The MAC address for the entry that is added.
IP Address: The IP address of the entry that is added.
Type: Entry type; statically configured from CLI or dynamically learned from DHCP Snooping.
VLAN: VLAN for the entry.
Interface: IP address of the interface in slot/port format.
7.19.2 Configuration Commands ip verify source
This command configures the IPSG source ID attribute to filter the data traffic in the hardware. Source ID
is the combination of IP address and MAC address. Normal command allows data traffic filtration based
on the IP address. With the "port-security" option, the data traffic will be filtered based on the IP and MAC
ip verify source {port-security}
no ip verify source {port-security}
no - This command disables the IPSG configuration in the hardware.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config ip verify binding
This command configures static IP source guard (IPSG) entries.