- 455 -
area <areaid> virtual-link <neighbor> hello-interval <1-65535>
no area <areaid> virtual-link <neighbor> hello-interval
Default Setting
Command Mode
Router OSPF Config Mode area virtual-link retransmit-interval
area virtual-link retransmit-interval command configures the retransmit interval for the OSPF virtual
interface on the virtual interface identified by <areaid> and <neighbor>. The <neighbor> parameter is the
Router ID of the neighbor. The range for seconds is 0 to 3600.. no area virtual-link retransmit -interval
command configures the default retransmit interval for the OSPF virtual interface on the virtual interface
identified by <areaid> and <neighbor>. The <neighbor> parameter is the Router ID of the neighbor
area <areaid> virtual-link <neighbor> retransmit-interval <seconds>
no area <areaid> virtual-link <neighbor> retransmit-interval
Default Setting
Command Mode
Router OSPF Config Mode area virtual-link transmit-delay
area virtual-link transmit-delay command configures the transmit delay for the OSPF virtual interface
on the virtual interface identified by <areaid> and <neighbor>. The <neighbor> parameter is the Router ID
of the neighbor. The range for seconds is 0 to 3600 (1 hour). no area virtual-link transmit-delay
command resets the default transmit delay for the OSPF virtual interface to the default value.
area <areaid> virtual-link <neighbor> transmit-delay <seconds>
no area <areaid> virtual-link <neighbor> transmit-delay
Default Setting
Command Mode