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Command Mode
Interface Config ip dvmrp metric
This command configures the metric for an interface. This value is used in the DVMRP messages as the
cost to reach this network.
ip dvmrp metric <value>
no ip dvmrp metric <value>
<value> - This field has a range of 1 to 31.
no - This command resets the metric for an interface to the default value. This value is used in the
DVMRP messages as the cost to reach this network.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config
9.2 Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Commands
This section provides a detailed explanation of the IGMP commands. The commands are divided into the
following different groups:
Show commands are used to display device settings, statistics and other information.
Configuration commands are used to configure features and options of the switch. For every
configuration command there is a show command that will display the configuration setting.
9.2.1 Show Commands show ip igmp
This command displays the system-wide IGMP information.
show ip igmp