- 514 -
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
User Exec
Display Message
Admin Mode: This field displays the administrative status of multicast. This is a configured value.
Protocol State: This field indicates the current state of the multicast protocol. Possible values are
Operational or Non-Operational.
Table Max Size: This field displays the maximum number of entries allowed in the multicast table.
Protocol: This field displays the multicast protocol running on the router. Possible values are PIMDM,
Forwarding Multicast Stream Entry Count: This field displays the number of entries in the multicast
table. show ip mcast boundary
This command displays all the configured administrative scoped multicast boundaries.
show ip mcast boundary {<slot/port> | all}
<slot/port > - Interface number.
all - This command represents all interfaces.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
User Exec
Display Message
Interface: Valid slot and port number separated by forward slashes.
Group IP: The group IP address.
Mask: The group IP mask. show ip mcast interface
This command displays the multicast information for the specified interface.