FortiGate-4000 Installation and Configuration Guide 327
log setting
filtering log entries 126, 310
traffic filter 313
log to memory
configuring 309
viewing saved logs 314
Log Traffic
firewall policy 199
policy 199
logging 21, 307
attack log 310
configuring traffic settings 312, 313
connections to an interface 148
email filter log 310
enabling alert email 317
event log 310
filtering log messages 310
log to memory 309
log to remote host 308
log to WebTrends 308
message levels 309
recording 307
searching logs 315
selecting what to log 310
traffic log 310
traffic logging 148
traffic sessions 311
update log 310
virus log 310
web filtering log 310
recording on NetIQ WebTrends server 308
MAC address 320
IP/MAC binding 220
malicious scripts
removing from web pages 297, 306
management access
to an interface 147
management interface 148
management IP address
transparent mode 71
manual IP address
interface 144
manual keys
introduction 236
policy 200
maximum bandwidth 198
memory status 119
replacement 182
FortiGate 182
Transparent 18
system status 121
monitored interfaces 272
system status 118
MTU size 148
changing 148
definition 320
improving network performance 148
interface 148
introduction 18
policy option 197
push update 129
NAT mode
adding policy 194
IP addresses 64
NAT/Route mode
changing to 117
configuration from the CLI 64
connecting an HA cluster 84
HA 82
introduction 18
VLANs 151
administrator account 178, 179
network address translation
introduction 18
network intrusion detection 18
Network Intrusion Detection System 271
network status 120
next hop router 146
NIDS 18, 271
attack prevention 276
detection 271
prevention 276
reducing alert email 278
reducing attack log messages 278
user-defined signatures 274
NTP 66, 72, 207, 320
NTP server 175
setting system date and time 175
one-time schedule 211
creating 211
operating mode
changing to NAT/Route mode 117
changing to Transparent mode 117
changing system options 176
Outbound NAT
encrypt policy 197
override serve
adding 126, 127