Data Sheet · Hardware product NOTEBOOK
High-tech for everyone
If you're looking for an elegant yet functional design, plus the best in TFT-display technology,
all at an affordable price, you’ll find just what you need in the LIFEBOOK C Series. The all-in-
one features of this notebook satisfy all your wishes, giving you a maximum of functionality
and an eye-catching design. This notebook PC comes ready equipped with all the basics you
need for mobile computing. Ideal for users who want to get straight down to work, it features
a built-in floppy drive, a brilliant display, plus your choice of either CD-ROM or DVD drive, and
of course LAN and modem connections. You’ve got a choice of either the Intel® Celeron™
850 or Pentium® III 850 processor.
! Intel® CeleronTM processor 850 MHz or
Intel® Pentium® III processor 850 MHz
with Intel 815EM chipset
! All-in-one-design (comfortable,
simultaneous use of CD-ROM / DVD-
ROM, floppy, hard disk and battery)
! Secure your LIFEBOOK via Security
Panel and integrated SmartCard reader
! Large 14.1” XGA display with brilliant
resolutions. Supported by 11MB graphics
• Standard S-Video support, for
watching your favourite DVD
movies on an external screen
! Mobile Management – Wired for
Management 2.0 compliant
! Deskview including features such as
DeskInfo and DeskAlert included as
! Built-in 56 Kbps V.90 international
modem and 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LAN
! Windows 98SE/ME Dual Installation or
Windows NT/2000 Dual Installation, all
with Microsoft Word and Works pre-