PLAYERS: 2 to 8
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: 1 train station hub and 9 mini train engine
markers, set of Double Twelve dominoes (91 dominoes)
OBJECT: Be the first player to play all of your dominoes. Dominoes are
played on your train, other players‘ trains, and the Mexican Train.
Each player chooses a colored mini train engine to serve as his marker piece
during game play. The black mini train engine marker is set aside to serve as a
marker for the Mexican Train. Shuffle dominoes face down, this is known as
the “train yard.” The number of “box cars” (dominoes) dealt to each player, is
determined by the number of players.
After the box cars have been dealt, players organize their box cars face up.
The player with the highest double begins the game. The highest double
serves as the “engine” for the game and is placed in the center of the train
station hub.
The player who has the highest double begins the game by placing the
double in the center of the hub (as the 'engine') and starting their own
personal train (if they are able). Each player must begin building his personal
train by playing a box car with an end that matches the engine. (example: with
12-12 as the engine: 12-5, 5-7, 7-8, 8-11, 11-1, 1-9, and so on). Players build
their personal train out from a “track” on the train station hub nearest to them.
If a player has no box cars to start his personal train, he may draw in turn from
the train yard until he can begin play. Each player plays one tile per turn, the
only exception of this rule is when a double is played (see ‘doubles’). If a
player has a tile that is playable, he MUST play that tile.
Box Cars
If a player cannot play any of his box cars, he must draw box cars from the
train yard to play. Only one box car is drawn per turn. If it is playable, the
player must play it. If it is not playable, the player adds the box car to his box
car pile and play passes to the next player.
Other Players Trains
If a player can no longer play on his personal train, he takes his mini train
engine from the train station hub and places it on the last box car in his
personal train. This means that other players may now play their dominoes on
this player‘s train. When the player is able to play on his personal train again,
he returns the mini engine to the train station hub signaling that other players
may no longer play on his personal train.
Mexican Train
If a player has another tile whose end matches the engine, he may begin the
Mexican Train, on which all players may play (this is usually located on an
open track of the train hub or another area convenient to all players). Place
the black mini-train engine marker on the end tile of the Mexican Train, to
remind players that they may play on it at all times. It is always wise to start the
Mexican Train as soon as possible because it gives more play options. There
is only one Mexican Train in a game.
Whenever a player plays a box car on the Mexican Train, he
gets to depress the center starter engine tile on the train station hub,
which emits a series of train sound effects and an exciting “Woo Woo!”
If a player places a double, it is turned sideways (perpendicular to the
domino it was played on) and he must then play a second domino to
complete the double. (ex. If a 9-9 is placed, then a 9-4 would “complete the
double”) If the player cannot complete the double he just placed, then he must
draw box car from the train yard. If this box car is unable to be played, the
player places his mini train engine marker on his personal train and says
The job of completing the double is then transferred to the next player to the
left. After a double is played, all regular play is suspended until someone can
complete the double.
If players cannot complete the double, they must draw once. If they are still
unable to play a box car on the double, they pass and must place their mini
train engine marker on their personal train, even if they had a matching tile to
play on their train before the double was played.
When the double is finally completed, regular play resumes with the player to
the left of the player who completed the double.
Last Tile
When any player is left with only one box car (one tile), he must give notice to
the other players by tapping his final tile on the table or with his marker. If
another player catches the player failing to do player must draw another
two box cars from the train yard. This allows other players an opportunity to
lower their ending score by ridding themselves of high numbered tiles on their
next turn.
The game is over when one player has dominoed (played his last tile) or
when the game is blocked because no player has a playable tile and the train
yard is gone. If a player has no remaining tiles, he is the winner. If there is no
player that has dominoed, then all players must total the number of pips (dots)
on their remaining tiles. Each blank scores 25 points and the double blank
domino scores 50 points. The player with the lowest score wins.
The winner of the game then gets the honor of depressing the
center starter engine tile , to hear the “Woo Woo” win!
Playing in rounds
Before box cars are shuffled, the double twelve domino is set aside. It
becomes the engine in the train station hub. Game play is the same. When the
game is over all players record their score (the total of the pips on their
remaining tiles). This is Round One. Round Two begins with the double eleven
as the engine and so on, for a total of thirteen rounds. The last round will use
the double blank domino. When all the rounds are completed, scores are
tallied. The player with the lowest score is the overall winner.
Faster Game Play
To make each round go faster, each player may play as many tiles as
possible onto his personal train on his first turn. After this first series of box cars
are played, players may only lay down one domino for each turn.
©2003 Fundex Games, Ltd.
Please write to us with any questions or comments.
Fundex Games, Ltd. • P.O. Box 421309 • Indianapolis, IN 46242
or call us at: 1-800-486-9787
or email: customerservice@fundexgames.com
Please use three 1.5 volt batteries. Do not mix old and new batteries.
No. of Players
2 to 4
5 to 6
7 to 8
No. of Box Cars