Most print settings are automatically handled by the software application. Change the
settings manually only when you want to change print quality, print on specific types of
paper, or use special features. For more information about selecting the best print
media for your documents, see
Media specifications .
This section contains the following topics:
Print documents
Print brochures
Print on envelopes
Print photos
Print on special and custom-size paper
Print borderless documents
Print on both sides (duplexing)
Print documents
NOTE: With certain types of paper, you can print on both sides of a sheet of paper
(called "two-sided printing" or "duplex printing"). For more information, see
Print on
both sides (duplexing).
Follow the instructions for your operating system.
Print documents (Windows)
Print documents (Mac OS X)
Print documents (Windows)
1. Load paper in the tray. For more information, see Load media.
2. On the File menu in the software application, click Print.
3. Select the printer you want to print to.
4. To change settings, click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on the software application, this button might be called Properties,
Options, Printer Setup, Printer, or Preferences.
5. Click a type of print task in the Printing Shortcuts list. The preset default settings
for the shortcuts are displayed.
6. If you change any settings on the Printing Shortcuts tab, you can save your
custom settings as a new printing shortcut:
a. Select the shortcut, and then click Save As.
b. To delete a shortcut, select the shortcut, and then click Delete.
TIP: You can change more options for the print job by using the features
available on the other tabs in the dialog box.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Print or OK to begin printing.
Print 23