Home Theater Store KP-57XBR10W Surge Protector User Manual

Inside Gear Guide:
• Infinity Interlude
Speaker System
• Sony KP-57XBR10W
57-Inch Rear-
Projection HD Monitor
DBS Receiver
• Vienna Acoustics
Mozart Speaker
Here we go again.
You may remember my lamen-
tations last month in the opening of the DTV Face Off about
the cliché phrase “bridge technology,” a worn-out phrase that
I shudder to use, given its widespread misuse and question-
able origins. Of course, I then proceed to use it anyway. Well,
it’s déjà vu all over again, as it seems to me that the proper
theme for an introduction to Infinity’s entry-level Interlude
speaker line must be “trickle-down technology,” another
hackneyed phrase that proves to be quite accurate in the
Infinity’s Interlude
speaker system offers
top-shelf technology
at a nice price.
by Chris Lewis
Cordero Studios
July 2001