Full Disk Encryption by CE-Secure
The ABS-Secure is the latest in the CMS Products line of external USB 2.0 encrypted disk solutions, with capaci-
ties beginning at 80GB. The unit utilizes CMS Products CE-Secure Full Disk Encryption software for complete
management of the encryption environment. Weighing only seven ounces, the ABS-Secure is bus powered for
transportability and is ultra-rugged with the inclusion of the CMS DataGuard shock absorbing wrapper.
The ABS-Secure is ready to use right from the box. As the entire disk is protected with AES 256-bit encryption,
users can be confident that all data on the ABS-Secure is safe and can be accessed only by its rightful owner.
The ABS-Secure includes CMS Products BounceBack Express Version 8.0 backup and restore software. Recently
released, Express 8.0 is the successor to the earlier award-winning BounceBack software. Sporting a new, straight-
forward and intuitive interface, Express 8.0 is easy to install and use. With powerful new features such as Continu-
ous Data Protection and Multi-Destination backup paths, Express 8.0 is the perfect complement for implementing
data backup to the encrypted ABS-Secure.
Disaster Recovery from Hypertec
Encrypted Backup
Available from:
Hypertec Ltd
2 Swangate, Charnham Park, Hungerford, Berks, RG17 0YX
t: 0870 243 5603 f: 0870 243 5604
w: www.hypertec.co.uk
Ć AES 256 Bit „on-the-fly‰ Encryption/Decryption
Ć Full Disk Encryption by CE-Secure
Ć Pre-encrypted for easy operation
Ć Transportable from system to system
Ć Bus Powered, USB 2.0 interface
Ć Shock protected for physical data protection
Ć Three-year warranty
Ć Includes BounceBack Express Backup & Restore
Ć Includes copy2go Xpress Multimedia software