Introduction 17
Error Message Files
The rofferr Script
Use the rofferr script to format one error message or a range of error
messages for printing. By default, rofferr displays output on the screen. You
need to send the output to nroff to interpret the formatting commands and
then to a printer, or to a file where the nroff output is stored until you are
ready to print. You can then print the file. For information on using nroff and
on printing files, see your UNIX documentation.
The rofferr script has the following syntax:
The following example formats error message -359. It pipes the formatted
error message into nroff and sends the output of nroff to the default printer:
rofferr 359 | nroff -man | lpr
The following example formats and then prints all the error messages
between -1300 and -4999:
rofferr -1300 -4999 | nroff -man | lpr
start_msg Is the number of the first error message to format
This error message number is required.
end_msg Is the number of the last error message to format
This error message number is optional. If you omit end_msg,
only start_msg is formatted.