IBM 000-8697 Server User Manual

Operating OnLine 3-59
If the Logical Log Files Fill During an Archive
3. Place a write-enabled tape on the tape drive device (defined by
TAPEDEV). Put the device online with the appropriate operating-
system command.
The prompts from tbtape ask you to specify the archive level.
4. Follow the prompts for labelling and mounting new tapes. A
message informs you when the archive is complete. For further infor-
mation about the tbtape utility, refer to page 7-102.
If the Logical Log Files Fill During an Archive
If the logical log files fill during an archive, OnLine displays a message at the
system console and normal processing is suspended.
Two Tape Drives
If you have two tape devices available to OnLine, log in as user informix at
a free terminal.
Verify that LTAPEDEV and TAPEDEV specify different pathnames that corre-
spond to separate tape devices. If they do, back up the logical log files by
executing either tbtape -a or tbtape -c, or by selecting either the Automatic-
Backup or Continuous-Backup option from the Logical-Logs menu.
If LTAPEDEV and TAPEDEV are identical, you might be able to assign a
different value to the logical log tape device (LTAPEDEV) and initiate logical
log file backups. However, this option is only a solution if the new value of
LTAPEDEV is compatible with the block size and tape size used to create
earlier logical log file backups. (All tapes must reflect the physical character-
istics specified at the time of the most recent level-0 archive.) Otherwise, your
options are to either leave normal OnLine processing suspended until the
archive completes or cancel the archive.