7-76 IBM Informix OnLine Database Server Administrator’s Guide
Add a Chunk
Add a Chunk
Refer to page 3-94 for more details to consider when you are adding a new
chunk to a blobspace or dbspace.
-a indicates that a chunk is to be added.
blobspace names the blobspace that will receive the new chunk.
dbspace names the dbspace that will receive the new chunk.
-g page_unit specifies the blobspace blobpage size in terms of
page_unit, the number of disk pages per blobpage.
-m pathname
is an optional pathname and offset to the chunk that will
mirror the new chunk.
-o offset indicates, in kilobytes, the offset into the disk partition or
into the device to reach the new chunk.
-p pathname indicates the disk partition or device of the new chunk.
The chunk can be a raw device or a file in a standard
UNIX file system.
-s size indicates, in kilobytes, the size of the new chunk.
Add a Chunk
-o offset -s size
-m pathname offset
-a -p pathname