Argecy Computer Corporation 248-324-1800
Provide information to users
Distributing the
information on the
publications CD
You can give users access to the information on the publications CD
several ways:
• Give the publications CD to the administrator or the Help desk.
• Copy the contents of the CD or specific topics to a network
drive or intranet site that users can access.
Note: Each topic on the
publications CD is a separate
PDF. You can find the file name
for each topic by clicking Other
resources, and then File
• Print the information on the publications CD. You can print
either selected topics or the entire set of topics.
To print selected topics:
a Insert the publications CD into your drive.
If the CD does not automatically launch, open your
computer file manager and select the drive of your
CD-ROM, and then double-click Start.pdf.
b Select your language.
c Find the topics you want by browsing through the
categories in the left pane.
d Print entire topics or select pages within a topic by clicking
the print icon on the Acrobat command bar.
To print all of the topics at one time:
a From the Home page, click Print as book.
The PDF that opens contains all of the information on the
CD in a format more suitable for printing and binding.
b Click the print icon on the Acrobat command bar.
Congratulations! You are ready to use your new printer. Save this book if you anticipate
purchasing printer options in the future.