Display Configuration and Resource List
If a device is not included in the Test List or if you think a Diagnostic Package for a
device is not loaded, check by using the Display Configuration and Resource List task.
If the device you want to test has a plus (+) sign or a minus (-) sign preceding its name,
the Diagnostic Package is loaded. If the device has an asterisk (*) preceding its name,
the Diagnostic Package for the device is not loaded or is not available.
This service aid displays the item header only for all installed resources. Use this
service aid when there is no need to see the vital product data (VPD). (No VPD is
Display Firmware Device Node Information
This task displays the firmware device node information. This service aid is intended to
gather more information about individual or particular devices on the system. The
format of the output data may differ depending on which level of the AIX operating
system is installed.
Display Hardware Error Report
This service aid uses the errpt command to view the hardware error log.
The Display Error Summary and Display Error Detail selection provide the same type of
report as the errpt command. The Display Error Analysis Summary and Display Error
Analysis Detail selection provide additional analysis.
Display Hardware Vital Product Data
This service aid displays all installed resources, along with any VPD for those
resources. Use this service aid when you want to look at the VPD for a specific
Chapter 6. Introducing Tasks and Service Aids 121