Motherboard Description
1.9.1 S3 ViRGE Graphics Subsystem
The AP440FX motherboard is available with a factory option of an S3 ViRGE SVGA graphics
controller with 2 MB of 50 ns EDO SOJ DRAM. The S3 ViRGE has a high performance 64-bit
2D/3D graphics engine and incorporates the S3 Streams Processor that enables the device to
convert YUV formatted video data to RGB and provides acceleration for scaling the video display
without compromising picture quality or frame rate. The on-chip RAMDAC/clock synthesizer is
capable of output pixel data rates of 135 MHz providing non-interlaced screen resolutions of up to
1280x1024x256 colors at 75 Hz. The 64-bit S3d Engine incorporates the key Windows and other
GUI accelerator functions of BitBLT, line draw and polygon fill. 3D features include flat shading,
Gouraud shading and texture mapping support. Advanced texture mapping features include
perspective correction, bi-linear and tri-linear filtering, MIP-mapping, and Z-buffering. These
features provide the most realistic user experience for interactive 3D applications. In addition, a
fast linear addressing scheme based upon DCI reduces software overhead by mapping the display
memory into the microprocessor’s upper memory address space and permitting direct
microprocessor access to the display memory.
Table 2. S3 ViRGE Supported Resolutions
Resolution Refresh rate (Hz)
640 x 480 x 16 colors 60
640 x 480 x 256 colors 60, 72, 75, 85
640 x 480 x 65,536 colors 60, 72, 75
640 x 480 x 16,777,216 colors (non-accelerated mode) 60, 72, 75
800 x 600 x 256 56, 60, 72, 75, 85
800 x 600 x 65,536 60, 72, 75
800 x 600 x 16,777,216 colors (non-accelerated mode) 60, 72, 75
1024 x 768 x 256 43(IL), 60, 70, 75, 85
1024 x 768 x 65,536 43(IL), 60, 70, 75
1280 x 1024 x 256 45(IL), 60, 72, 75
NOTE: IL = Interlaced
The S3 ViRGE graphics controller supports more modes than shown above. The graphics drivers provide options for
additional resolutions.