Intermate100 and Intermate101 Print Server Administration Manual 243
Configuration Checklists: Checklist for Each Service or Host Session
G.2. Checklist for Each Service or Host Session
Printer Definitions on the Host
For each service, you must configure one or more printer-defi-
nitions (often just called “printer”) on the host(s).
“Host” in this context should be understood as the origin of a
print job sent to the Intermate1xx.
You may need to cycle back and forth a few times to coordi-
nate the settings on the Intermate1xx with the host printer-defi-
Settings on the Intermate1xx
Configuration is done on one or more configuration pages ded-
icated to the particular kind of service or host session. The
details are different for each type of service. But the following
things are common to all:
1 Each configuration page must be saved before leaving it.
2 No configuration pages are activated until you reboot. You
will usually do and save several pages before rebooting.
3 Each service must know where to direct output.
Release levels before G22_2111
This is done by choosing a value in the “Use logical printer”
field. You can only choose a target printer via a logical
printer. If you have the NDO, you must use logical printers
to reach your network printers, even if you do not need the
special data manipulation features in the configurable
logical printers.
G22 release levels 2111 or higher, and all release levels of
G32 or G34:
This is done by choosing a value in the “Output to” field.
If you have the NDO and don’t need the special data
manipulation features in the configurable logical printers,
you can choose a target printer directly.