In the figures, the destination network is “172.16.6.X”.
And the packets will be route in or out of the destina-
tion network through the gateway “”.
4.5 DDNS
The Route Settings page gives you a way to set
the static route. You have to set the static route if
you would like to route your packets to the
specific network and the router of the destination
network does not support RIP (Routing Informa-
tion Protocol).
If the router supports RIP, it will automatically
exchange routing information with BOSS™ and it
is not necessary to set a static route. Please
refer to the steps and figures to set a static route.
1. Select Enable radio button in Routing Setup.
2. Enter the network in Destination network
column. (e.g. “”)
3. Enter the IP address of the gateway in
Gateway column. (e.g. “”)
4. Enter the number in the Hop count column.
The number means how many gateways you
have to pass through.
Network Settings