6.1 IPSec Settings
Sometimes there is a need to transfer commercial infor-
mation from a branch office through the Internet. The infor-
mation being transferred cannot be sent over the Internet
without encryption. The best solution for most customers
is to establish a secure tunnel between the company and
branch office. IPsec implements this function through the
use of a “pre-share key.” The pre-share key is known
both in main office and branch locations. Please follow the
steps below to build the tunnel:
Please follow the steps below to build a VPN tunnel:
Local Settings:
1. Select the “Enable” radio button in IP Security.
(Figure 6.1a)
2. Enter the Local ID. For identifying this host.
3. Click the Apply button.
VPN Settings
4. The IPSec Tunnel List is empty by default. Please
click the “NEW” button to establish a new tunnel.
You will be taken to the IPSec Settings page.
It includes the IPsec tunnel settings and Remote
Host Settings. (Figure 6.1b )
5. In the IPsec tunnel setting: Enter a Connection Name.
(e.g. vpn1). The remote side must also enter the
same connection name to identify the connection.
6. Select the “yes” radio button in Start on boot field.
This will establish the connection upon a system
startup. Select the Disable radio button to a VPN.
7. Enter the Preshare key. The branch has to use the
same Preshare key. See page 44 for more
information on Preshare Keys.
8. Enter a number of hours you wish to have each
VPN session open within the IPsec key
Lifetime field.