Chapter 5 Settings for Interfaces and Network Services
Connection type that can be used for dialing:
• Manual — the line can only be dialed manually, either from the Administration
Console or from WinRoute’s Web interface (see chapter 9).
• On Demand — the line will be dialed whenever a host on the LAN tries to access
the Internet (incoming packet). To see details about the WinRoute and system
on-demand dial configuration refer to chapter
• Persistent — the line will be dialed immediately after the WinRoute Firewall En-
gine service is started and it will be kept active (and will be reconnected if the
line is dropped for some reason).
• Custom — here you can set with great detail and complexity when the line should
be dialed persistently or on demand or not dialed at all.
Figure 5.5 Dial-up — demand dial
In sections of the dialog window you can select time ranges for each dialing type.
Click on the Edit button to open a dialog where time ranges can be created or
edited. For more information about time ranges refer to chapter 12.2.
This is how the user defined dialing works:
• The Keep the line disconnected option is processed prior to all other options.
The line is kept disconnected during this period (or it is hung-up automati-
• The time range for the Persistent connection option is processed as seconds.
During this period the line will be kept connected.