A-61544 January 2008 2-23
Changing the File Name
Settings option
The Configuration Organizer allows you to define two values that
determine the location and file name used when creating scanned
documents. The File Name Settings option allows you to define a
Folder Name where all scanned documents will be placed when
scanning to either a network folder or a USB flash drive destination.
You can also define the File Name Prefix that will be applied to every
scanned document created. Scanned documents are typically created
with this prefix and have an optional date and time stamp appended to
the prefix. For example, if you define a prefix of receipts and a folder
name of 2007, the scanned document file name will have the format:
receipts_20070117_092219.tif and is placed in a folder called 2007.
1. Define the Folder Name where all scanned documents will be
placed when scanning to a network shared folder, FTP location or
flash drive destination.
2. Define the File Name Prefix that will be used for creating each
scanned document. This prefix will be used as the file name with a
date and time stamp appended. The appropriate file name
extension will be appended (.pdf, .jpg, .tif).
NOTE: You can define the default Folder Name where scanned
documents will be placed if scanning to a network or USB flash
drive destination. If you leave the Folder Name blank the file will
be created in the root directory of the configured destination.
You can also define the default File Name Prefix that will be
used to create each scanned document. If no changes are
made, the default file name prefix will be used.
The Advanced option provides access to two additional options:
Interactively Name Scanned Files and Add Date/Time Stamp.
• Interactively Name Scanned Files — requires you to enter a file
name for your scan job.
• Add Date/Time Stamp — by default, Date and Time Stamps are
appended to each file name the Scan Station creates. If you turn this
option off, only the file name prefix and the appropriate file name
extension will be used to create the file name.