Bluetooth® headset
User manual
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Made in China
TOLL FREE Customer Contact Details:
Phone Numbers:
Belgique/Belgie 00800 722 52272
Danmark 702 52272
Deutschland 0800 1826756
Die Schweiz 00800 722 52272
España 900 984572
France 0800 900325
Italia 800 786532
Luxembourg 00800 722 52272
Nederland 0800 0223039
Norge 800 61272
Österreich 00800 722 52272
Portugal 00800 722 52272
Suomi 00800 722 52272
Sverige 020792522
United Kingdom 0800 0327026
International 00800 722 52272
Email Addresses:
Deutsch support.de@jabra.com
English support.uk@jabra.com
Français support.fr@jabra.com
Italiano support.it@jabra.com
Nederlands support.nl@jabra.com
Español support.es@jabra.com
Scandinavian support.no@jabra.com
© 2007 GN A/S. All rights reserved. Jabra® is a registered trade-
mark of GN A/S. All other trademarks included herein are the
property of their respective owners. The Bluetooth® word mark
and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of
such marks by GN A/S is under license. (Design and specica-
tions subject to change without notice).